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Public Records Requests

Looking for a Public Record? It could already be online.

Please read through the information below before submitting the online request form. 

Marion Soil and Water responds to requests for public records in a manner that is consistent with and complies with public records law, while managing the impact on agency workload and fiscal integrity. Marion SWCD’s public records policy details the applicable laws and procedure.

The Records Officer will respond to all official requests for public records within five [5] business days after receipt of the Public Records Request Form.

Within ten [10] business days after the date on which the Marion SWCD was required to acknowledge receipt, the Records Officer will either complete its response to the Request or provide a written statement that the Marion SWCD is still processing the Request and provide an estimated date by which the Marion SWCD expects to complete its response.

If the Marion SWCD cannot comply with the above time limits, the Marion SWCD must complete the public records request as timely as possible, consistent with the proper exercise of judgment relating to the Marion SWCD’s other duties, staffing ability, volume of other public records requests being simultaneously processed, and in accordance with Oregon law.

When the Marion SWCD is the custodian of the requested record the Records Officer shall furnish proper and reasonable opportunities for inspection and examination of the records in the office of the Records Officer during the usual operating hours, to all persons having occasion to make examination of them at the Marion SWCD office at 408 N Third Ave, Stayton, OR.

If the public records are maintained in machine readable or electronic forms, the Records Officer shall furnish proper and reasonable opportunity to assure access by electronic files sent by e-mail or by printed and US post mailed copies.

For mailed paper copies and sending electronic files there may be a fee to recover costs accrued in responding to public records requests, Marion SWCD may charge fees as directed by the Public Records Law. Fees vary depending on the actual time required to research and provide the information. Public records requests are submitted without payment. Once received, Marion SWCD will review the request and provide an estimate for any required fees. If there is a fee, the request will be processed after payment is received.

With a scheduled appointment, records may be viewed in person at the Marion SWCD office located at 408 N Third Ave, Stayton, OR.  If you have any questions, please contact the Marion SWCD District Manager at 503-391-9927 or at office@marionswcd.net.

Brenda Sanchez
District Manager
© Marion Soil and Water Conservation District. All Rights Reserved.