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Pilosella officinarum
A low-growing perennial with yellow-white dandelion-like flowers and leafless stalks covered in stiff hairs. (Also known as Hieracium pilosella.)
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Mature Height | 3-10" |
Distribution | Found in North East and North West US. Very limited distribution in Oregon's Willamette Valley. |
Control | Do not mow. Hand dig if only a few plants. Fertilize the soil to help keep mouse ear hawkweed from establishing in lawns or pastures. |
Disposal Methods | Seal plant material in a plastic bag and throw away in the trash. |
Reproduction and Spread | Spreads by stolons that form dense mats and by wind-borne seeds. |
Introduced | Introduced from Europe to US as an ornamental or agricultural seed contaminant. |
Look Alikes | dandelions; other nonnative yellow flowered hawkweeds- they hybridize and are difficult to tell apart. |
Impact | Produces thick mats of rosettes that prevent other plants from establishing. Reduces desirable pasture forage production. |
More Info |