Volunteer Opportunity: Serve as a Budget Committee Member. 1-2 meetings/yr, 3 yr term. Apply now>>>
The District encourages participation in job-related training and education programs for staff that will enhance skills and knowledge and maximize job performance, as budgeted funds allow.
Approval and Payment for Training and Conferences
If you want to attend training or conferences during work hours and/or have the District pay for training and conferences you must submit a Request Form to Attend Training and Conferences to the District Manager for approval prior to any payments, registration, or reservations.
As a rule:
1. Travel expenses for training or education that is required by the District will be paid by the District;
2. Travel expenses for training or education that is requested by the employee and related to the employee’s current job may be paid by the District at the District Manager’s discretion; and
3. Travel expenses for training that is not directly related to the employee’s current job generally will not be paid by the District.
Travel expenses include registration and tuition fees, per diem (meals and incidentals), lodging, and mileage. Meals included in lodging or event costs are deducted from the per diem compensation. Travel costs are computed using the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board Travel Reimbursement and Allowance Guidelines. There are few ways to make payments and get travel compensation. Work out the details with the District Manager prior to travel.
Employees who are approved to use their Private Vehicle for official Marion SWCD business such as traveling to trainings or conferences, will receive a mileage reimbursement. Submit a Mileage Reimbursement Form to the Financial Administrator to be compensated. Reimbursement requests must be submitted within thirty [30] days of the time of travel, or the reimbursement will expire. When determining mileage for reimbursement use one of these options:
1. When traveling within Marion County, start at one of the closest Marion SWCD Vehicle storage sites from Driver’s home address, Stayton or Salem, and compute total mileage from that site to the destination and then back to the storage site.2. Reimbursement for overnight travel from Driver’s home to areas outside of Marion County such as to a conference or training event must be approved prior to travel by the District Manager. Only in these cases total mileage will be reimbursed from the Driver’s home address to the event and then back home.