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Please join us for a “gardening with natives” tour of 2 yards in Keizer, OR.
Two community members will share ideas and inspiration for creating habitat in your yard.
Amanda Robinson’s yard is an example of the early stages of lawn removal, to a mostly native yard habitat. She is a newly certified participant in the Little Habitat Project and working on all sorts of exciting projects.
Sandi’s 1.67 acre garden includes mature trees and shrubs, planted before they moved here 14 years ago. Many non-native perennials and trees that we added, and examples of their recent focus on habitat includes a grove of fir trees, a .3 acre meadow planted just this winter, a new hedgerow, willow windbreak, downspout catchment, small rain garden, various water sources for birds and pollinators, a 450 sq ft brush pile, and about 140 varieties of native plants, mostly planted in the last 3 years. They are currently targeting invasive weeds and expanding swaths of pollinator plants.
Marion Soil & Water Conservation District will be present to share information about the brand-new Little Habitat Project and how to certify your yard or other habitat project.