Apply for Cover Crop Funding Assistance now through October 31. Learn more>>>
Volunteer for Salmon Watch on trips from Sept 18 to Oct 10! Sign up here>>>
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Please join us for a “gardening with natives” tour of 3 yards in South Salem off Madrona.
Three community members who live close to one another will share ideas and inspiration for creating habitat in your yard. Michelle Harvey’s yard is planted with ~85% Willamette Valley native plants. She has incorporated various habitat features (brush pile, rock piles, leaving stems, etc.). She is a certified participant in the Little Habitat Project. Lorie and Katy are a less than 5 minutes away and right down the street from each other. Lorie is also working toward Little Habitat certification. They have both been incorporating native plants into more established plantings. The variety of projects is sure to provide something for everyone!
Marion Soil & Water Conservation District will be present to share information about the brand-new Little Habitat Project and how to certify your yard or other habitat project.