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Event Calendar


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Events at this venue

Event Series First Fridays

First Friday: Nurturing Habitat at Home for Pollinators


Eileen Stark, author of Real Gardens Grow Natives, will share tips for designing your garden to support pollinators and incorporate native plants. Pollinators are essential, hardworking and fascinating, with amazing abilities, but they face a wide range of threats. Join author and eco-landscape designer Eileen Stark to learn about their lives and needs. Discover how


Admin Committee Meeting


12 13 2024 Admin Committee Agenda and Packet https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86161256285?pwd=elNGL1AzcXlrVG9xTWhZV0YzNDF2QT09 Call In Number: 1 253-215-8782 Meeting ID: 861 6125 6285 Staff Contact: Linda Lovett, linda.lovett@marionswcd.net

Event Series First Fridays

First Friday: Urban Soil Health and Management


In this talk, Soil Scientist Marissa Theve will explain why urban soils are important, what sets them apart, and some common contaminants and management practices – including the use of biochar. Presenter Marissa Theve- Marissa hales from rural Eastern Connecticut where she grew up playing in the woods and brook near her home. She earned


Education and Outreach Committee Meeting


This is a meeting of Marion SWCD’s Education and Outreach Committee. To Join: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83497128477?pwd=ZmZsSXJXc2NGOGN3K1FLZXczVkRNdz09 Meeting ID: 834 9712 8477 Passcode: 316646 Dial by your location        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Draft Agenda If you need special accommodations, including translation services, in order to participate, please call Kassi Roosth at 971-382-2000 or email kassi.roosth@marionswcd.net as far in advance

First Friday: Birds of Marion County


Which birds are here all the time, which ones come and go with the seasons? We will look at different birds' preferences from grassland to marsh to town gardens to mountain forest. Presenter Harry Fuller is a veteran birding guide who lives in Salem. He currently leads field trips for the Malheur Field Station in


Education and Outreach Committee Meeting


This is a meeting of Marion SWCD’s Education and Outreach Committee. To Join: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83497128477?pwd=ZmZsSXJXc2NGOGN3K1FLZXczVkRNdz09 Meeting ID: 834 9712 8477 Passcode: 316646 Dial by your location        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Draft Agenda If you need special accommodations, including translation services, in order to participate, please call Kassi Roosth at 971-382-2000 or email kassi.roosth@marionswcd.net as far in advance

Event Series First Fridays

First Friday: Saving the Great White Oaks


Saving the Great White Oaks of Marion County: An Invitation to Share Stories In Marion County, Oregon white oaks are culturally and ecologically vital. The oak savannas and woodlands, rich in biodiversity, have supported a dynamic ecosystem for over 10,000 years. Oaks were central to the Kalapuya people, who relied on their acorns for food,


First Friday: Army Corps Operations in the Willamette Basin


Presentation: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Operations in the Willamette Basin with emphasis on the Santiam Basin The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) operates and maintains a system of 13 dams and reservoirs within the Willamette River basin of northwestern Oregon. Each dam contributes to a water resource management system providing flood risk


CAG Review Committee Meeting


Conservation Assistance Grant Review Committee Meeting Monday, July 22, 2024, 9:00 am to 11:00 am 07 22 2024 CAG Review Comm Agenda Link to Video Conference: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87819666275?pwd=Rl3s32bTUPQAvgzDsxFFN2zY1iSBbR.1 Meeting Call in Number: 1 (253) 215 - 8782 Passcode 166079 Staff Contact: Susan Ortiz, susan.ortiz@marionswcd.net  

Administrative Committee Meeting


Friday, July 19, 2024, 9:00 am to 11:00 am Link to Video Conference: (Zoom) Meeting Link Meeting Call in Number: 1 (253) 215 - 8782 Meeting ID: 861 6125 6285| Passcode: 720019 Staff Contact: Linda Lovett, linda.lovett@marionswcd.net 07 19 24 Admin Committee Packet

Education and Outreach Committee Meeting


This is a meeting of Marion SWCD’s Education and Outreach Committee. To Join: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83497128477?pwd=ZmZsSXJXc2NGOGN3K1FLZXczVkRNdz09 Meeting ID: 834 9712 8477 Passcode: 316646 Dial by your location        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Draft Agenda If you need special accommodations, including translation services, in order to participate, please call Kassi Roosth at 971-382-2000 or email kassi.roosth@marionswcd.net as far in advance

Administrative Committee Meeting


Link to Video Conference: (Zoom) Meeting Link Meeting Call in Number: 1 (253) 215 - 8782 Meeting ID: 861 6125 6285| Passcode: 720019 Staff Contact: Linda Lovett, linda.lovett@marionswcd.net 06 14 24 Admin Committee Packet

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